Please join the Eno River Association Staff and Board of Directors in welcoming Hillary Harrison to the team who started on February 1! Hillary leads our Environmental Education and Outreach program. Hillary will direct our hands-on feet-wet outdoor education programs, lead our environmental educator and seasonal teachers, manage our calendar program, and grow our outreach efforts.
Hillary grew up on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and spent 10 summers working for the National Park Service at the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. She studied Marine Biology at UNC Wilmington; continuing to work for the National Park Service after receiving her bachelor’s degree. Since 2016, Hillary has worked at various parks and preserves throughout the Triangle, most recently with Durham Parks and Recreation as a member of the Outdoor Recreation and City Lakes unit.
Hillary and her husband now live in Durham and have grown to love our city, our community, and the natural spaces it offers – including, of course, our beloved Eno River! We are thrilled to have Hillary join us in our mission to conserve and protect the natural, historical, and cultural resources of the Eno River basin.
Join us in extending Hillary a warm Eno welcome! Please note that we’re now lucky enough to have two Hillarys on our team, so to reach Hillary Harrison and our education team, email To contact Hillary Bruce regarding development or communications matters, email